February 17, 2024 by
We've got a website now!

The PDF article contains the following text:
We are proud to present to you our newest creation,
A site where you have the liberty and freedom to post whatever you would like on it, with no strict application process. Articles may be sent to Kasreti, Dr. Eksplosive or ezntek for a very quick check to ensure that no major offenses against the school are made (for your own and our safety) before it is uploaded onto the new digital Corner of Enlightenment. No rejections to anyone’s posts can be made, unless if the Mandate of Marcos declares it too controversial to appear on the website (same rules as the physical COE apply). All posts made to the Physical COE will be uploaded onto the Digital COE, unless if the author of the post specifically specifies that it shall not. In that case, the image will still be saved, but not made public through the page.
This website took around 3 days to create, and it is made with the Hugo static site generator, and the roxo-hugo theme, with several modifications. Everything was created by ezntek.
If you are an RCS08-16 member, please approach either ezntek, Dr. Eksplosive or Kasreti for the data entry Google form in order to appear on the About Us page. Not only that, it is also recommended for you to join the Discord Group (not server) to engage in all RCS related talk.
All papers from the old COE generations will also be available to browse on the Digital COE. A sort by generation feature has not been implemented yet, it will be done when the author has time or when someone would like to make a contribution to the site at https://github.com/RCS0816/rcs0816.
You may download the full PDF here.