About Us

We are the Revolutionary Committee of S08-16.

A group dedicated to sticking random pieces of paper on the wall and negotiating with admin to reduce assessments (Thanks Dr. Eksplosive!), Our team has a special set of talents and abilities that allows us to lead the holy land to success.

We ensure the positive peace within our land in S08-16, the Marcosian Republic, along with protecting the free speech of all students. May S08-16 prosper well into the future!

Note: We do not follow any major political ideologies, such as Communism. If you are interested in joining our neighboring republic as a citizen and its ruling entity, the Federated Students' Defensive Coalition (FSDC), please contact me. I will direct you to Arsenii Buzakin, the leader. We are only a managerial entity and do not focus on rulership and the overpoliticization of Marcosia.

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Leader, Foreign minister

Ezntek is a relatively new addition to RCS08-16, having joined after the opposing OFS Students' Communist Party revealed their intentions of starting a stalinist dictatorship in the room. After a very fun "osyama" ritual, He is in now the leader of the RCS08-16, and the foreign minister.

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Eternal Leader #1 & First president

Founded the Corner of Enlightenment in February 2023, and the Revolutionary Committee of S08-16 in September 2023.

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Former foreign minister

An insane asylum patient who escaped and somehow has made his way into the education system. Helped prevent a massive conflict following the email template scandal of November '23. Argued and reduced exams, changed TOK to become study periods with help of the Mail Group.
